Here it’s is a guide for first-time parents to know how many aspects in baby caring and development.This article will help you to know about you baby that’s why we titled all about babies.we list some basic information about your baby like how to care your baby?,how to care your baby health?,newborn baby development week by week,baby development month by month,what is the most essential baby products you need to buy!
In this article we provide information related to pregnancy,pregnancy caring,baby health caring and development(all about babies).it’s a kind advice contact you doctor for more information related to medication,please don’t follow any drugs as medicine when anyone suggests,doctor advice is always better. let’s start our ultimate guide for first-time parents like to know more about your newborn baby.this is a general information not affected by gender of your infant.
A Guide for First-Time Parents 101
Ultimate guide for first time parents
Getting Pregnant
Before going to care baby,first you need baby means giving birth to a baby getting pregnant is the only way to a brand new baby,otherwise you need to adopt a baby.getting pregnant for some people is not easy,we give a simple solution for how to get pregnant.
You’re possibly to get pregnant if you have got sex within the days around ovulation (when AN egg is accomplished from the ovary), with the day before and day once being the foremost fertile. AN egg lives for regarding 12-24 hours once being discharged. The egg should be fertile by a sperm cell during this point for you to get pregnant.
During Pregnancy
Congratulation you have achieved a milestone in getting a baby.After getting Pregnant you need to prepare physically and mentally to get out of pregnancy loss to need to go hospital and check pregnancy status and your health,follow the doctor’s instructions.The most important thing for a active and healthy baby,mother needs to follow a healthy diet and need to care about fitness,which food to take more and what to avoid during pregnancy.its a guide for first time parents to know pregnancy.
body changes during pregnancy
Giving Birth
After nine months of pregnancy the moment your waiting is almost here! your so close to getting to meet your new baby.You may feel nervous about labor and delivery, especially if you are pregnant with your first need to know more about labor and delivery process by contacting nearest birth centre or hospital.some information is basic in this article,we include step by step process for first time parents that’s why we called ultimate guide.this is all about babies birth.
Baby names
Sounds great! your going to give a name to your this point you need to research more and pick best and suitable name for your newborn.all about babies name is also help to you.
if a baby birth before 37th week is know as premature birth or premature baby,Most pregnancies last 40 weeks.premature babies who have born very early have most medical complications.
medical complications depends upon the how early your baby born,here is a list of that
Late preterm- born between 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy
Moderately preterm- born between 32 and 34 weeks of pregnancy
Very preterm- born at less than 32 weeks of pregnancy
Extremely preterm- born at or before 25 weeks of pregnancy
a surveyabout premature births says
11 to 13 percentage of births in USA are premature
Almost 60 percent of twins, triplets, and other multiple deliveries result in preterm births.
almost 9 out of 10 premature babies survive.
in australia almost 1baby in every 10 births is premature birth.
Wow you are parent now.your new born baby looks so small and pretty,but you have to notice he or she are weak,sensitive,soft and easily get affected with diseases.A newborn means 0 to 2 months of baby,you need to care at this stage extreamly.all about babies who are newborn.
NewBorn Baby Guide Week by Week
All you need to know about your baby growth,development and milestones.we will cover some basic and important information with in this article.Ask doctor for vaccination and medical advice.all about babies vaccination.
1-Week Old Newborn Baby
As a mother you need care your baby health as well as your health.
your habits will impact on your baby health so take good food.
Nourish your body because you give birth vaginally or through a C-section. it will take some time to recover,so rest is the best medicine.
your newborn will sleep longer(about 16-18 hours per day).
briefly focuses on parents face when hold.
Eats 8-12 times a day if breastfeed or feed every 2-3 hours with formula.
may loss some weight.
Newborn babies typically exhibit several reflexes, including the rooting reflex, the sucking reflex and the startle reflex.
To know briefly about 1-week baby follow this link(all about babies who are 1 week)
2-Week Old Newborn Baby
if umbilical cord fall off,its time for regular bath.
she or he may sleeps upto 18 hours a day.
starts increasing weight from 2 week.
starts crying when hungry,fussy,uncomfortable and hears loud noises.
East every 2 to 3 hours if breastfeeding or 3-4 hours if formula feeding.
making small sounds,lift head slightly,cycling,see arounds,moving frequently.
Turning toward your breast while being held.
To know briefly about 2-week baby follow this link(all about babies who are 2 week)
3-Week Old Newborn Baby
Newborn at 3rd week loves to watch parents and listen their talk.
gains weight as well as height.
sleeps around 16-18 hours per day.
needs vitamin D supplements.
gain muscle control from 3rd week, so reflex will be low.
regular tummy time helps to develop neck muscle strength and to lift their head.
To know briefly about 3-week baby follow this link(all about babies who are 3 week)
4-Week Old Newborn Baby
Gets excited by familiar faces and sounds,like a parent’s voice.starts talking with you,using some sounds.
Takes several naps during the day and 1-2 longer “stretches” at night.
Eats about 8-12 times a day
Turns head from side to side,listens intently and coos.
Be assured in your selections to stay your baby safe and healthy by following current safety recommendations rather than out-of-date “advice” regarding baby care.
Continue to monitor your infant for colic or reflux with feedings, as each will seem at this point.
To know briefly about 4-week baby follow this link(all about babies who are 4 week)
5-Week Old Newborn Baby
Graduates from “newborn” to “infant”.
Wiggles when parents come near, and calms down at the sound of their voice.
Stays more alert during the day and sleeps for longer periods at night.
Has more consistent feedings if breastfeeding,drinks 24 to 32 ounces per day if formula-fed.
Holds small objects when placed in their hands.
Looks who’s talking;Those cute grunts, gurgles and coos your baby is making are her way of communicating and experimenting with sounds.
To know briefly about 5-week baby follow this link(all about babies who are 5 week)
6-Week Old Newborn Baby
Gains weight about 4lbs. since birth in these 1st two months.
Holds Their head up,begins to self-soothe,coos and gurgles in attempt to “talk”.
Eats on demand and more efficiently,breast-feeding sessions may last 15 to 20 minutes.
Sleeps about 16 hours a day,but probaby not through the night yet.
Starts to smile for real.
To know briefly about 6-week baby follow this link(all about babies who are 6 week)
7-Week Old Newborn Baby
Tracks objects and people(especially parents) with horizontal eye movement.
continues to gain about 1.5 to 2 lbs. weight a month.
May experience more gas than usual.
Passes the peak age for evening fussiness.
Begins to bat at objects out of reach,like overhead toys and mobiles.
Babies are acutely attentive to sounds at this stage, as well as music, bells, barking dogs, vacuum cleaners and whistles. note of that noises calm baby down and which appear to cause upset.
To know briefly about 7-week baby follow this link.(all about babies who are 7 week)
Baby Health Care
According to WHO 2.5million babies died in the 1st month of life in 2018,and 7000 newborn deaths everyday in world.So all you need is take care of your baby health.we list common health problems and diseases in newborns(infants)/babie.
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